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What are the main safety standards for school desk and chair sets?

School desks and chair sets are mostly made of wood or plastic, but now most of them are made of steel and wood. The material is safe enough for students, and durable for schools. The safety of the desk and chair set is a big problem for students and the school. If the school desk […]

What are the factors that affect the safety of desks and chairs?

The use of desks and chairs is generally used in schools and some educational institutions or families. The audience is students. Children from kindergartens to college students will use desks and chairs, so desks and chairs are safe. It is really important. If poor safety has a great impact on students, then what are the […]

What are the methods of lifting desks and chairs for students?

There are many types of student desks and chairs. Among them, the most widely used ones are the students lifting desks and chairs. There are various lifting methods, and the height and hole distance can be customized according to the height range of the students. Students can adjust themselves according to the height of the […]

How to choose a good quality auditorium soft chair?

Auditorium chairs are generally soft chairs, which are more comfortable and high-value chairs. Because they are called auditorium soft chairs, they are generally used in the auditorium. Generally, the auditorium has a long time for reporting activities. It is more comfortable to use the auditorium soft chairs. It can make the audience feel comfortable and […]

What are the methods for judging the qualifications of desks and chairs?

Desks and chairs are essential furniture for students in schools and families to study. Therefore, there are many manufacturers of desks and chairs on the market, and the product quality is good or bad, and the prices are also uneven. This has led to a lot of substandard products on the market. Shoddy under the […]

How to choose a student desk and chair manufacturer?

Currently during the summer vacation, the school will start to consider purchasing a new batch of student desks and chairs for students to use after the school starts. We have also introduced to you how much a set of student desks and chairs cost and what are the factors that affect the price. But if […]

What factors need to be considered when choosing student desks and chairs?

Desks and chairs are the main furniture in the school class environment, and its purpose is to create a better reading environment for students and protect their health. Once again, we have shared with you about how to choose the material of student desks and chairs, so what aspects should we consider when buying student […]

How to choose the material of student desks and chairs?

Tables and chairs are indispensable household items in daily life. Whether it is our office use or students’ study, we need to choose carefully. Why should students choose their desks and chairs carefully? Because the students’ minds have not matured yet, many parents are more concerned about the school supplies and desks and chairs of […]